Gone to the Dogs at Bantry

Bantry Airport Strand is a relatively well known mark and perhaps the nearest I'll come locally to beach fishing back in Hampshire. Okay the cobblestone beach is a bit difficult underfoot and the water's deeper, but it goes out onto a more-or-less clean bottom so I can use normal beach tackle! And I can fish at night, which I won't do alone on the rock marks.


It has a reputation for producing thornbacks and bull huss as well as smaller stuff. Well, I'm sure it has its moments but as of yet I've not experienced one.

At least things are moving in the right direction. Plenty of bites this evening versus the two dour sessions I'd sat through in the spring of last year.

Trouble is, every one turned out to be one of these fellas. A veritable plague of LSDs. Squid, mackerel, sandeel made no difference.

After four hours of non-stop doggies I was out of bait and packed up. I'll be back ...

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